Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School! Poem #1

Hello Families,

What a wonderful first day of school! What a great class we have!

We were very busy learning each other's names, singing songs, puzzling out math problems, reading and writing books (you should see some of the titles: Little Sister;  I Want a Dog;  I Love Horses... etc).

Here is the first poem of the year!

My   loose   Tooth

My  friend  has
A  loose  tooth, too.
My cousin has
A loose tooth, too.

My tooth came out!
When my tooth comes out,
It bleeds.

ta-da! There it is...

We collaborated line by line to put this together. I thought it fitting because the transition into first grade is a defining one, much the same as losing a first tooth. And, with any important transition, it's a little bitter sweet.

Have a good evening!
Mr. Fleischer


  1. I love your poem! I'm wondering what the most recommended method of removing a loose tooth (doorknob, yank, rocket) is in Mr. Fleischer's First Grade.

    - Ms. Patterson

  2. Dear Mr. Fleischer's First Grade,
    We really like your blog and the poem everyday idea! We are going to try to read them as often as we can. Your poem made us think about losing our first tooth! Many of us were in First Grade then!
    Thanks for sharing your blog with us!

    From your fifth grade friends in 5MW

